How To Translate “Over Mij” Into English

How do you translate the title of this post from Dutch into English?

Good question …

  • Over Mij.


About Me




I would like you to take the time and watch the video above. Listen to the pronunciation carefully. Practice repeating what you hear over and over and over again. Until you can reproduce the same phrase easily. 


I would like you to try (without using Google) and translate the following 15 phrases below about yourself from English into Dutch. When you are done, try checking your answers using Google Translate and my old posts) to check your answers.


1) About my name.

2) About my job.

3) About my city.

4) About where I live.

5) About my country.

6) About my hobbies.

7) About my father.

8) About my Dutch.

9) About my writing.

10) About my reading.

11) About my wife.

12) About my husband.

13) About my son.

14) About my daughter.

15) About my parents. 


If you find it difficult to translate the 15 English phrases above from English into Dutch, don’t worry. I am going to update them very soon. Turn all of them into individual posts. You will learn what they mean. You will discover how I translate and use them in Dutch.