How To Celebrate King’s Day In Dutch

Can you translate the phrase “King’s Day in the Netherlands” from English into Dutch? Honestly, I almost completely forgot that today is a King’s Day (Koningsdag) here in the Netherlands. Terrible! Right?

And today is a national holiday in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Meaning? Officially, businesses are closed. Because of all the Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing, I have been working for so long from home.

I have no sense of time anymore. In other words, time flies very quickly for me these days. Obviously, this Dutch phrase lesson is published pretty late. I should have published it yesterday or the early hours of this morning.

Now, guess what time it is right now in Amsterdam? 19:14 CET = 7:14 PM Central European Time. And I have just come back home from celebrating the King’s Day. Despite the Covid-19 restrictions, the city is full of people.  

The citizens of the Netherlands are ready. They are celebrating The King’s day fully. That tells you how much the Dutch love their King and royal family. Now, let’s get back to translating the phrase, “King’s Day in the Netherlands” from English to Dutch.

How to translate King’s Day in the Netherlands

In Dutch, how would you write the above English phrase “King’s Day in The Netherlands?” Koningsdag in Nederland. Notice how it only requires three words to phrase it in Dutch. It could also mean, “Royal Day in The Netherlands.”
1King’s DayKoningsdag
3The NetherlandsNederland

Now, let’s take a look at another translation. If I wanted to write the phrase “Today is King’s Day in The Netherlands,” how would I write it? Het is vandaag Koningsdag in Nederland. Well, at least that’s the phrase you get from Google translate.

What would be another way to phrase “Today is King's Day in The Netherlands,” in Dutch? Vandaag is het Koningsdag in Nederland. Notice how in Dutch we now have more words than before. Koningsdag in Nederland. Cool, right?

When I went out this afternoon, I met so many people in orange. They were out celebrating the Dutch national holiday. It was very exciting to see so many people out of their homes. Celebrating, happy and enjoying themselves in the streets of the Netherlands.

How to wish people Happy King’s Day in Dutch

Guess how we greeted each other in Dutch? Fijne Koningsdag. What does it really mean in Dutch? Happy Kings Day. It’s usually said with a smile on your face and a lot of energy of happiness and excitement in your voice. 
2KoningsdagKings Day

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