How To Write “Thank You” In Dutch

In this lesson of thankfulness, we are going to learn how to show our appreciation to people that we meet from English into Dutch. I first wrote this lesson inside my Dutch phrase notebook many years ago. Since then, I have updated it many times.

Thank You In English

  • 1) Thank you (Formal)
  • 2) Thank you (Informal)
  • 3) Thanks (Common)
  • 4) Thank you very much (Formal)
  • 5) Thank you very much (Informal)
  • 6) Thanks a lot Common)


  • 1) Dank u (Formal)
  • 2) Dank je (Informal)
  • 3) Bedankt (Common)
  • 4) Dank u wel (Formal)
  • 5) Dank je wel (Informal)
  • 6) Hartelijk dank (Common)

Bedankt In Het Nederlands

And today, I found myself updating and refreshing this lesson on how to write “Thank you.” As you take the time to study the list of phrases in both English and Dutch above, I would like you to notice how this lesson is only about how to read and write.

1)Thank you.Dank u.Formal
2)Thank you.Dank je.Informal
4)Thank you very muchDank u wel.Formal
5)Thank you very much.Dank je wel.Informal
6)Thanks a lot.Hartelijk dank.Common


Translation? Reading. Meaning? To read. Translation? Lezen. One of the most important aspects of this lesson is reading. As you can see very clearly, there is no audio version yet. Therefore, I would like you to take the time and read the phrases about thankfulness in the table above. Read it over and over again.


Notice the formal way of writing “thank you” in the table above. I only use it to show appreciation to people that I don’t know. YET. Strangers. Mostly those that are older than I am. It is used to express respect to the elderly.

1) Thank you = Dank u (Formal)

What if you already know me, we are like friends, we are acquaintances, and I do something pleasant for you, something nice, how will you say, thank you, to me, show me your appreciation? Here is how you write it down …

2) Thank you = Dank je (Informal)

You want to say, thank you, to someone that you already know, like a friend, and something you don’t know, at least not yet like a stranger. Now, if you want to say, thanks, casually, here is how to write it down and say it in Dutch …

3) Thanks = Bedankt (Common)

So far, we have learned three interesting ways to say, thank you, all in Dutch. I hope you can remember them. Remember to use them, in the right way, with the right person, in the right situation, the next time, you meet a Dutch person, or the next time, you find yourself touring and visiting Amsterdam. How about saying, thank you very much, to a stranger, someone you don’t know yet? Here is how to write it down in Dutch …

4) Thank you very much = Dank u wel (Formal)

The above phrase, dank u wel, it’s commonly used in Dutch, I here it all the time, and I use it all the time, when I want to show my real appreciation to someone that I don’t really know yet. How about saying, thank you very much, to someone you already know, like your friend? Here is how to write it down …

5) Thank you very much = Dank je wel (Informal)

There is also another way to say, thanks a lot, in Dutch that I really like, I like the sound of it, I use it a lot, people use it. When you come to the Netherlands, or if you live here, you will hear it a lot, very positive to use …

6) Thanks a lot = Hartelijk bedank.

Remember & Review – Now, so far, what have you learned? You have learned six different ways to say, thank you, in Dutch. We have also learned how to say, thank you = dank u, to someone we don’t even know, right?

7) Thank you = Dank u (Formal)

Now, what’s the second item that we have learned in this post? We have also learned how to write down the informal form, how to say, thank you = thank je, to a friend, an acquaintance, which is really cool …

8) Thank you = Dank je (Informal)

The third phrase on this page, you remember? How to say, bedankt = thanks, the very short form, very informal way to show even strangers your appreciation. I use it a lot, because I have heard it a lot here in the Netherlands. So, let’s look at it again …

9) Bedankt = Thanks

Phrase number four on this page, as you think about it, you remember? It’s one of the two longest phrases in this lesson. When you want to say, thank you very much = dank u wel, to a stranger, someone you don’t know yet. Let’s check it out one more time …

10) Thank you very much = Dank u wel (Formal)

Right after the about phrase, we also looked another phrase, which you can use anytime and anywhere to show more appreciation to someone you already know. I am sure you remember, don’t you?

  • More come.
  • Keep reading.
  • Still writing.