The First Word That I Learned In Dutch

What was the first word that I learned in Dutch? Pet. Meaning? Cap. Where did I learn the above Dutch word? I learned it from one of my favorite Dutch language books. Was that the first book that I had bought on the subject? Yes, it was.

It was the first English translated Dutch book that I had invested my hard earned money into on the subject.  I remember walking into a small bookshop inside a huge shopping mall here in the south part of the Netherlands. I looked around. Saw it and bought it.

One of the reasons why I bought the book was because my brother had the same Dutch English translated book. He had bought it a year earlier. He highly recommended it for Dutch language beginning students learning the language without a teacher.

How I Turned “Pet” Into Phrases

01) Pet. = Cap.

02) Een pet. = A cap.

03) De pet. = The cap.

04) De pet is blauw.= The cap is blue.

05) De pet is zwart. = The cap is black.

06) De pet is rood. = The cap is red.

07) De pet is groot. = The cap is big.

08) De pet is klein. = The cap is small.

09) De pet is zwaar.= The cap is heavy.

10) De pet is duur. = The cap is expensive.

11) De pet is goedkoop. = The cap is cheap.

12) De pet is gratis. = The cap is free.

13) De pet is mooi. = The cap is beautiful.

14) De pet is lelijk. = The cap is ugly.

15) De pet is nep. = The cap is fake.

How I Practiced “Pet” In Dutch

After I bought the Dutch book, I brought it home and I started studying the words. One of the first problems that I had encountered was how to remember and use the words with the correct articles and phrases in everyday situations.

I decided to take the word “pet” and expand it in different ways in Dutch. The result was the list above that I am sharing with you right here and right now. By expanding and using the word “pet” in 15 different ways, I created more and new simple phrases.

I also quickly discovered that it was easy and simple for me not only to remember the words but also use them automatically in shops and open air street markets. I would encourage beginners to study, practice and expand the list above.