How To Phrase Instruction In Dutch

The title of this lesson is a phrase. Instruction In Dutch. Translation? Instructie in het Nederlands. Translate  the word “instruction” into Dutch. Instructie .Yes, the word “instruction” translates to “instructie” in Dutch.

Again, how do you translate the phrase “Instruction in Dutch?” To translate “Instruction in Dutch” into Dutch, you would say “Instructie in het Nederlands”. Now, it is time to take it a little bit further.

What are some of the words that are related to the word “instruction” in English? It is one of the questions that I like to ask myself when learning new words or phrases in Dutch. I encourage you to do the same here.

Words In English

Here are 10 simple words related to the word "instruction" in English:

1) Direction

2) Guidance

3) Education

4) Training

5) Lesson

6) Tutorial

7) Demonstration

8) Explanation

9) Teaching

10) Coaching

Translation Into Dutch

The next thing to do with the list of 10 English words above is to think about how you can translate them into Dutch. Can you translate the list of words above into Dutch? If not, don’t worry.

Below is the list of the 10 words above translated into Dutch:

1) Richting

2) Begeleiding

3) Onderwijs

4) Training

5) Les

6) Zelfstudie

7) Demonstratie

8) Uitleg

9) Onderwijzen

10) Coaching

Now that we have translated the 10 English words that are related to the word “instructie” into Dutch, what can we do with them? The next thing to do is to turn them into simple phrases in both Dutch and English.

Phrase In Dutch

The next question becomes, can you write 10 simple Dutch and English phrases with the list of those 10 words above using the words “instruction” ? If you find it challenging, again, don’t worry. It is normal when you are learning Dutch.

Next, below we have 10 simple Dutch and English phrases using the words related to "instruction":

1) "Kun je me alsjeblieft de instructies geven?" 

(Can you please give me the instructions?)

2) "De richting was onduidelijk in de instructies." 

(The direction was unclear in the instructions.)

3) "Ik heb wat begeleiding nodig bij het leren van deze vaardigheid." 

(I need some guidance in learning this skill.)

4) "Hij heeft al jaren ervaring, dus hij hoeft geen training meer." 

(He has years of experience, so he doesn't need training anymore.)

5) "De les was erg interessant en informatief." 

(The lesson was very interesting and informative.)

6) "Ze volgde een online tutorial om te leren programmeren." 

(She followed an online tutorial to learn how to code.)

7) "De demonstratie was zeer behulpzaam bij het begrijpen van het proces." 

(The demonstration was very helpful in understanding the process.)

8) "Kan je alsjeblieft uitleggen hoe dit werkt?" 

(Can you please explain how this works?)

9) "Hij is een geweldige leraar en kan de complexe concepten op een eenvoudige manier onderwijzen."

(He is a great teacher and can instruct complex concepts in a simple way.)

10)) "Ze bieden coaching aan voor mensen die willen leren hoe ze effectiever kunnen communiceren." 

(They offer coaching for people who want to learn how to communicate more effectively.)

If you are a beginning student who is learning simple Dutch phrases for the first time, you might find the Dutch phrases and translations above confusing and even challenging. I highly recommend that you take the time and break these phrases into smaller pieces so that you can easily understand them.

Vocabulary In Dutch

2000 Most Common Dutch Words in Context: – Get Fluent & Increase Your Dutch Vocabulary with 2000 Dutch Phrases (Dutch Language Lessons) Paperback, Audio & Kindle – May 7, 2020