How To Understand “Kindness” In Dutch

Kindness is one of the qualities that I love about the Dutch. The people, culture, tradition and the country as a whole. Now, how do you translate it into Dutch? Vriendelijkheid. Well, there are different ways to say and write it in Dutch.


The above word (Vriendelijkheid) is one of the most common ways to translate “Kindness” from English to Dutch. It is also one of my favorite words. In this lesson, we are going to phrase it using the singular and plural forms.


  • 1) Ik ben vriendelijk. (Enkelvoud)
  • 2) U bent vriendelijk. (Formeel)
  • 3) Je bent vriendelijk. (Informeel)
  • 4) Hij is vriendelijk. (Man)
  • 5) Zij is vriendelijk. (Vrouw)
  • 6) Het is vriendelijk. (Object)


  • 7) We zijn vriendelijk. (Meervoud)
  • 8) U bent vriendelijk (Formeel)
  • 9) Jullie zijn vriendelijk. (Informeel)
  • 10) Zij zijn vriendelijk.


Time to examine the English translation. Translate the following 10 phrases of kindness from English into Dutch. Cover the Dutch translation above. Write them down if you would like to be more adventurous. When you are done, check your answers. See how many are correct.


  • 1) I am kind. 
  • 2) You are kind. (Formal)
  • 3) You are kind. (Informal)
  • 4) He is kind. (Man)
  • 5) She is kind. (Woman)
  • 6) It is kind.(Object)


  • 7) We are kind. (Plural)
  • 8) You are kind. (Formal)
  • 9) You are kind. (Informal)
  • 10) They are kind. 

We have come to the end of this lesson on how to use “kindness” Dutch. At ;east for now. How did you do with your exercise above? Next time, I will add more phrases. If you would like to be notified, you can sign up for updates below.