How To Translate “Niceness” In Dutch

I have just created two new important pieces on my website. I have added them to the category and on the about us page. They introduce Dutch language beginners to the pleasant word  “niceness”.Translation? Aardigheid. Nice = Aardig.


They also introduce beginners to how they can understand the word “niceness” in Dutch. Most importantly, how to understand the short form of the word, “nice = aardig.” And then how to turn them into simple phrases in Dutch.


If you have not read the category and the section yet, you can click the links above or below. They will transport you to the category and the section of the word. As you read about the introduction, you can see how to turn them into simple phrases in Dutch.

About Us

In this first post or lesson about one of my pleasant words “Aardigheid”, we are going to learn how to use it in Dutch. Another thing that we are going to do is, we are going to use the short form of it in simple phrases. It is just an introduction lesson.

How to phrase “niceness” in Dutch

Below are 8 simple Dutch phrases that I have just created. They are designed to give you some ideas about how to turn the word “niceness = aardigheid.” into Dutch. Are they easy to understand? If not, you can follow up with their translation below.

  • 1) Aardig.
  • 2) Aardigheid.
  • 3) Ik ben aardig.
  • 4) Ben ik aardig?
  • 5) Ja, ik ben aardig.
  • 6) ik ben niet aardig.
  • 7) Ben ik niet aardig?
  • 8) Nee, ik ben niet aardig.

How to translate “aardigheid” into Dutch

If you were able to understand the 8 phases above, then you don’t have to read their basic translation below. You could just compare how I translated them. If this is your first time encountering them, the English translation below can be helpful and useful for you.
  • 1) Nice.
  • 2) Niceness.
  • 3) I am nice.
  • 4) Am I nice?
  • 5) Yes, I am nice.
  • 6) I am not nice.
  • 7) Am I not nice?
  • 8) No, I am not nice.

Now that you have read them, can you imagine turning the word “niceness = aardigheid” into even more simple phrases in Dutch? Notice how the phrases above were just about the first person. They include both affirmation and negation.

 How to use “niceness” with friends

The first 8 phrases above including words were designed to address yourself, or myself, which is for the first person. Now, how do you address your friends using the words “niceness = aardigheid” in Dutch?
  • 1) You are nice.
  • 2) Are you nice? 
  • 3) Yes, you are nice.
  • 4) You are not nice.
  • 5) Are you not nice?
  • 6) No, you are not nice.
  • 7) You are a nice person.
  • 8) Are you a nice person?
  • 9) Yes, you are a nice person.
  • 10) No, you are not a nice person.

How to translate “aardigheid” with friends

If you have a friend, or friends and you are in social situations, you can try translating and using the above 10 English into Dutch. Now, let’s take a look at how I would normally translate them into Dutch below.

  • 1) Je bent aardig.
  • 2) Ben je aardig?
  • 3) Ja, je bent aardig.
  • 4) Je bent niet aardig.
  • 5) Ben je niet aardig?
  • 6) Nee, je bent niet aardig.
  • 7) Je bent een aardig persoon.
  • 8) Ben je een aardig persoon?
  • 9) Ja, je bent een aardig persoon.
  • 10) Nee, je bent niet aardig persoon.
Now, we have 10 simple phrases above that we can use with our friends in Dutch. These are people that we already know. We can use them in different social situations. How would you phrase the word “niceness” with someone you already know in Dutch? 

How to use “niceness” with strangers

The next exercise to work on with the word “aardig” is in a formal situation. Think about how you can be nice or not nice with a stranger, the elderly or your own boss. Most commonly used when you are in formal situations.

  • 1) U bent aardig.
  • 2) Ben u aardig?
  • 3) Ja, u bent aardig.
  • 4) U bent niet aardig.
  • 5) Ben u niet aardig?
  • 6) Nee, u bent niet aardig.
  • 7) U bent een aardig persoon.
  • 8) Ben u een aardig persoon?
  • 9) Ja, u bent een aardig persoon.
  • 10) Nee, u bent niet aardig persoon.

How to translate “aardigheid”” with strangers

If you look at the last 10 phrases above about using “niceness” with strangers, you will notice that they are almost similar to the phrases that came before about your friends. The difference is the usage of “u” instead of “je.”
  • 1) You are nice.
  • 2) Are you nice? 
  • 3) Yes, you are nice.
  • 4) You are not nice.
  • 5) Are you not nice?
  • 6) No, you are not nice.
  • 7) You are a nice person.
  • 8) Are you a nice person?
  • 9) Yes, you are a nice person.
  • 10) No, I am not a nice person.

How to use “niceness” with a man

The above 10 English phrases are the basic translation of the previous 10 Dutch phrases about how to be nice to strangers in formal situations. Now, which order ways can you expand them?