How To Spoil In Dutch

In our last lesson, what did we learn? Begrijpen. We learned how to understand in Dutch. That’s right! Why? Because learning how to understand is a very important part of learning not only simple Dutch phrases but the English language as well.

How to understand in Dutch

If you have not read it yet, you can take the time right now. Click the link above and go through the lesson carefully. You might learn different ways to use the word “understand” in Dutch. Today, what are we going to explore? 

How to write spoil in Dutch

Yes, today, we are going to learn how to understand the word “spoil” in Dutch. Bederven. Notice how the word “spoil” is written in an infinitive form. It basically means. “to spoil” in Dutch. It also means “spoiling” in the present continuous.

Hot to translate spoil in English

1SpoilBedervenIk bederf
2To spoilBedervenJij bederft
3SpoilingBedervenWij bederven

How to use spoil in present tense

The table above may seem a little bit confusing to beginners. The three translation examples demonstrate the first person singular in the present tense. 1) Ik bederf. Translation? I spoil. The second person singular. 2) Jij bederft. Meaning? You spoil. Addressing a friend in an informal situation. 3) Wij bedeven. Translation? We spoil. Addressing ourselves in the plural form. Now let’s look at the word “spoil” again and how to use it in the present tense..

How to use spoil in singular form

1I spoil Ik bederf.
2You spoil.Jij bederft.Friend
3You spoil.U bederft.Strange
4He spoils.Hij bederft.
5She spoils.Zij bederft.
6It spoils. Het bederft.Object

If I want to write that I spoil, (in the present simple), how would I write it in Dutch? I would use the first translation on the table above. Ik bederf. Basically, I am referring to myself as someone who is generally a corrupt person. Now, let’s look at how to construct  “spoil” in the plural form. 

How to use spoil in plural form

7We spoil. Wij bedeven.
8You spoil. Jullie bedeven. Friends
9You spoil U bederft. Strangers
10They spoil. Zij bedeven.

How to review spoil in Dutch

Now, let’s take a moment and review the lesson above. So far, what have we learned? We have learned how to understand the word “spoil” in Dutch. Bedeven. We have also learned how to use it  just a little bit in the present tense singular and plural.

How to expand spoil in Dutch

Looking at what we have learned so far from above, is that the best that we can do? Absolutely, not. Everything that we have learned so far in this lesson until now and here is just an introduction on how to understand and use the word “spoil” just a little bit in Dutch. Now, how can we expand it further with the information above? 

How to use spoil plus environment

If I wanted to write, “I spoil the enrironment” in Dutch, how would I write it? Ik bederf het milieu. The question that can help us expand “spoil” in Dutch phrases is the following. What can we spoil in our daily lives? The above could also mean “I ruin or corrupt the environment.” Study the material above. Think about how to expand it further.

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