How To Tell People “You Are Busy” In Dutch

If you want to tell someone that you are busy, how will you phrase it in Dutch? Ik heb het druk. You use those four words to tell them that you are busy. And they will understand you perfectly. Now, let’s look at what we are going to learn from it today.

Singular In Dutch

  • 1) Druk.
  • 2) Ik heb het druk. 
  • 3) Je hebt het druk. (Informeel)
  • 4) U hebt het druk. (Formeel)
  • 5) Hij heeft het druk.
  • 6) Zij heeft het druk.
  • 7) Het heeft het druk.

Plural In Dutch

  • 8) Wij hebben het druk.
  • 9) Jullie hebben het druk. (Informeel)
  • 10) U hebt het druk. (Formeel)
  • 11) Zij hebben het druk.

Singular In English

  • 1) Busy.
  • 2) I am busy.
  • 3) You are busy. (Informal)
  • 4) You are busy. (Formal)
  • 5) She is busy.
  • 6) He is busy.
  • 7) It is busy.

Plural In English

  • 8) We are busy.
  • 9) You are busy. (Informeel)
  • 10) You are busy. (Formal)
  • 11) They are busy.

As you take the time to study the list of words, sentences and phrases about being busy above, you can begin to think about how to use them today. Notice how I included how to use it in formal and informal situations.

Busy In Dutch

Now, the word “busy” is an interesting word in Dutch. Druk. It is a word that is often used here in The Netherlands. Why? It used to describe “being busy.” The Dutch are very busy people.