How To Practice 10 Common Phrases In Dutch

In previous posts or lessons, we practiced using some of the most common words and phrases in Dutch. Today, what are we going to explore? We are going to explore the10 common phrases in Dutch:

Phrase In Dutch

1) Hallo - Hello

2) Dag - Goodbye

3) Alstublieft - Please

4) Dank u - Thank you

5) Excuseer mij - Excuse me

6) Ik heet - My name is

7) Hoe gaat het met u? - How are you?

8) Ik begrijp het niet - I don't understand

9) Ik spreek geen Nederlands - I don't speak Dutch

10) Hoeveel kost dit? - How much does this cost?

Word In Dutch

As you practice the 10 common phrases in Dutch above, I would like you to become aware of how most of them have to be used in a specific context. The example of thank you above is used in a formal situation.

2000 Most Common Dutch Words in Context: - Get Fluent & Increase Your Dutch Vocabulary with 2000 Dutch Phrases (Dutch Language Lessons) Paperback, Audio & Kindle – May 7, 2020.