How To Write “Movement” In Dutch

In this Dutch phrase lesson, you are going to first learn how to translate the word “movement” from English into Dutch. Below is the Dutch word that I normally use to write or translate any kind of movement.


Now that you know how to describe movement in Dutch, let’s look at the second word. The second lesson that you will have today is how to write the word “to move” in Dutch. Notice how to move is not the same as movement or moving a house in Dutch.


What is the difference between the word “movement” and “to move” in Dutch? You have just learned the difference between the two in writing and spelling. Now, how do we phrase “bewegen”” using the present tense in a singular form with just two words?

 Ik beweeg

What does the above phrase mean in Dutch? “I move.” That is what it means. Notice that it is the present tense. In this case, we are using the first person singular to describe the situation. Looking at the first phrase above, how would you phrase it with the second person singular in an informal situation?

Je beweegt

Notice the spelling? It includes the letter “t” at the end of the word. In an informal situation that is how I would describe you, if “you move” and if you are someone I already know like a friend Cool, right? Now, it is time for the formal second-person singular.

U beweegt

Translation? “You move.” If we are in a formal situation, and you move, those are the two words I would use to describe you. Notice that in this situation, we are not friends. Maybe you are older than I a and I am showing you some respect by using the formal word, “u” to address you.

Hij beweegt

What does the above phrase mean in Dutch? “He moves.” If you have read my post about the personal subject pronouns in Dutch and English, the above phrase should be easy for you to guess. Next, let’s phrase the word “to move” with the female singular form in Dutch.

Zij beweegt

Meaning? “She moves.” What are we describing here? We are describing a third person in the present tense. A woman that moves. In which situation can you use the above Dutch phrase? As you think about using it in different situations, let’s describe an object that moves in Dutch?

Het beweegt

Meaning? “It moves” = Het beweegt. (Object) The above two words are the word that I would use to describe an object that moves. What else can we describe using the above phrase in Dutch? Before we continue, click the button below to sign up for my newsletter below.