How To Cook In Dutch

To cook, how do I write it in Dutch? Koken. It could also mean, “cooking” in Dutch. If I love cooking, how will I write it in Dutch? Ik houd van koken. It also means that I like cooking. In the present tense, how will I use the word “cooking?”

How to cook rice often in Dutch present tense.

  • 1) Kook.
  • 2) Koken.
  • 3) Koken.

  • 4) Ik kook vaak rijst.
  • 5) Je kookt vaak rijst. (Informeel)
  • 6) U kookt vaak rijst. (Formeel)
  • 7) Hij kookt vaak rijst.
  • 8) Zij kookt vaak rijst.
  • 9) Het kookt vaak rijst.

  • 10) Wij koken vaak rijst.
  • 11) Jullie koken vaak rijst. (Informeel)
  • 12) U kookt vaak rijst. (Formeel)
  • 13) Zij koken vaak rijst.
The English translation is below. If the list of words, phrases and sentences above are clear to you, then you don’t need to look at their English translation below. If you find their meaning challenging, feel free to study the translation below. 

How to cook rice often in English present tense.

  • 1) Cook.
  • 2) To cook.
  • 3) Cooking.

  • 4) I cook rice often.
  • 5) You cook rice often. (Informal)
  • 6) You cook rice often. (Formal)
  • 7) He cooks rice often.
  • 8) She cooks rice often.
  • 9) It cooks rice often.

  • 10) We cook rice often.
  • 11) You cook rice often. (Informal)
  • 12) You cook rice often. (Formal)
  • 13) They cook rice often.

We have just learned how to take the Dutch words “koken,” “kook” and “kookt” and we turned them into the present tense, singular and plural. We also added the words “rice” and “often.”  Rijst en vaak. Think about how you can practice using them in Dutch.