How To Answer In Dutch

In this lesson on how to answer in Dutch, what is the first Dutch word that we are going to learn? Antwoorden. What does it really mean? To answer. And? Answering. Yes, the word “antwoorden” means “to answer” and also “answering.”

How to understand infinitives in Dutch

Notice that the word “antwoorden” is an infinitive in Dutch grammar. What is an infinitive in grammar? Infinitive is a verb that starts with the word “to.” Examples? To answer. To ask. To talk. Now, what is the second word that we are going to learn today in Dutch?

How to understand stem verbs in Dutch

However, there is a slight difference between the words “antwoorden” and antwoord in Dutch. Therefore, “antwoord” is the second word that we are going to learn today. Meaning? Answer. Basically, it is a stem verb. You remove the -en from the infinitive

How to use answer in the present tense

We have so far learned two new words in Dutch. To answer, “antwoorden” or answering. And also the word answer “antwoord.” Now, what is the third word to learn?  Instead of another word, we are going to use them in the present tense.
  • 1) Antwoord.
  • 2) Antwoorden.

How to use “antwoord” in present tense singular

  • 3) Ik antwoord in het Nederlands.
  • 4) Je antwoordt in het Engels. (Informeel)
  • 5) U antwoordt in het Frans. (Formeel)
  • 6) Hij antwoordt in het Duits.
  • 7) Zij antwoordt in het Chinees.
  • 8) Het antwoordt in het Italiaans.

How to use “antwoorden” in present tense plural

  • 9) Wij antwoorden in het Swahili.
  • 10) Je antwoorden in het Afrikaans. (Informeel)
  • 11) U antwoordt in het Arabisch. (Formeel)
  • 12) Zij antwoorden in het Japans.
Looking at the list above, we have gone from learning only two words about “answer” to learning 12  words, phrases and sentences in Dutch. If you don’t understand all the phrases and sentences above, don’t worry. Take the time to study the translation in English below.

How to translate “antwoorden” from Dutch to English

  • 1) Answer.
  • 2) To answer.

How to phrase “answer” in present tense singular

  • 3) I answer in Dutch.
  • 4) You answer in English. (Informal)
  • 5) You answer in French. (Formal)
  • 6) He answers in German.
  • 7) She answers in Chinese.
  • 8) It answers in Italian.

How to translate “answer” in present tense plural

  • 9) We answer in Swahili.
  • 10) You answer in Afrikaans. (Informal)
  • 11) You answer in Arabic. (Formal)
  • 12) They answer in Japanese.
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