How To Mean Something In Dutch

When I think about the word “bedoelen” in Dutch, it reminds me of how often I have used it in different situations here in the Netherlands. In this lesson of simple Dutch phrases, I am going to share with you how I normally use it in the Dutch present tense.


How to use it in Dutch present tense.


1) Bedoelen.
2) Ik bedoel.
3) Je bedoelt. (Informeel)
4) U bedoelt (Formeel)
5) Hij bedoelt. (Man)
6) Zij bedoelt (Vrouw)
7) Het bedoelt. (Voorwerp)


8) Wij bedoelen.
9) Jullie bedoelen.. (Informeel)
10) U bedoelt (Formeel)
11) Zij bedoelen.


Before looking at the English translation below, I would like you to take the time to translate the above words and phrases from Dutch into English. If you find some of them challenging, don’t worry so much. Repeat and practice over and over and over again.

How to use it from Dutch into English


1) To mean.
2) I mean.
3) You mean. (Informal)
4) You mean. (Formal)
5) He means (Man)
6) She means. (Woman)
7) It means. (Object)


8) We mean.
9) You mean. (Informal)
10) You mean. (Formal)
11) They mean.


How to expand it with only one word

The next thing that I would like to do with the above Dutch and English words and phrases is to take them and extend them. For example by adding one Dutch word to emphasize a point. “Ik bedoel, eigenlijk.” Meaning? “I mean, actually.”