How To Bath In Dutch

In one of my previous lessons on simple phrases and words in Dutch, what did we learn? We explored some simple words and phrases that are related to taking a “shower” (douchen) in Dutch. Did you miss it? If so, you can click the link below or above and go through the lesson.


In this lesson, what are we going to learn? We are going to learn some simple words and phrases that are connected to taking a bath (bad) in Dutch. When it comes to having a bath, what are some of the words that we need in Dutch?


It is a very good question that I like to start with when learning new words and phrases that I can use in a new situation like “taking a bath” in Dutch. And I encourage beginning students of the Dutch language to ask the same question when they enter into new areas.


So, again, what are some words that I need in order to create very simple phrases for “taking a bath” in Dutch? Here are 11 simple words below that you might need to create simple phrases for taking a bath in Dutch.


1Bad Bath
6Handdoek Towel
7Badschuim Bath foam
8Ontspannen Relax
9Afspoelen Rinse off
10Uitspoelen Rinse out
11Uitstappen Step out


After going through the vocabulary list above that is related to taking a bath in Dutch, we have to ask ourselves another question. What is the next question that we have to ask? The next question that I like to ask myself is the following.


What are some examples of simple phrases for taking a bath that we can use the words above to create? Below are some example phrases using these words above from the vocabulary list. Without examples of phrases, we are stuck with only words. 

How to have a bath in Dutch

  • 1) Vul het bad met warm water (Fill the bath with warm water)
  • 2) Voeg wat badschuim toe (Add some bath foam)
  • 3) Spoel jezelf af met het water (Rinse yourself off with the water)
  • 4) Droog jezelf af met een handdoek (Dry yourself off with a towel)
  • 5) Ontspan en geniet van het warme water (Relax and enjoy the warm water)


Bath in Dutch? "Bad" is the Dutch word for "bath". How to have a bath in Dutch? The above five phrases are the simple steps for "having a bath" in Dutch. Taking a bath in Dutch? "Taking a bath" can be translated to "een bad nemen" in Dutch. So you can say: "Ik ga een bad nemen" which means "I'm taking a bath" in English.


Taking a bath in Dutch? “Taking a bath” can be translated to “een bad nemen” in Dutch. So you can say: “Ik ga een bad nemen” which means “I’m taking a bath” in English. What is the difference between “taking a bath” and “having a bath” in Dutch?


In Dutch, "taking a bath" and "having a bath" are often used interchangeably and can both be translated to "een bad nemen" or "een bad hebben". However, if we were to distinguish between the two, "taking a bath" would be more commonly translated as "een bad nemen", while "having a bath" would be more commonly translated as "een bad hebben".


So, “Ik ga een bad nemen” would be more equivalent to “I’m taking a bath”, while “Ik ga een bad hebben” would be more equivalent to “I’m having a bath”. However, as mentioned before, these phrases can both be used to mean the same thing in Dutch.


Enjoy your bath in Dutch? "Geniet van je bad" is how you would say "Enjoy your bath" in Dutch. I want to take a bath. "Ik wil een bad nemen" is how you would say "I want to take a bath" in Dutch.


If you want to instruct someone to take a bath, how would you phrase it in Dutch? Take a bath. Translation? “Take a bath” can be translated to “Neem een bad” in Dutch. Don’t take a bath. Don’t take a bath? “Don’t take a bath” can be translated to “Neem geen bad” in Dutch.


How  do you use the word bad" with all the personal subject pronouns? That is a very good question that I like to ask myself since I like practicing all new words with the personal subject pronouns. Below is how to use "bad" with all the personal subject pronouns in Dutch:


  • 1) Ik neem een bad – I take a bath
  • 2) Jij neemt een bad – You take a bath (informal)
  • 3) U neemt een bad – You take a bath (formal)
  • 4) Hij neemt een bad – He takes a bath
  • 5) Zij neemt een bad – She takes a bath
  • 6) Het neemt een bad – It takes a bath
  • 7) Wij nemen een bad – We take a bath
  • 8) Jullie nemen een bad – You all take a bath (informal)
  • 9) U neemt een bad – You all take a bath (formal)
  • 10) Zij nemen een bad – They take a bath


Note that "U" is both the formal singular and formal plural subject pronoun in Dutch. I often use “u” in formal situations. I address the elderly with “u” . If you have a boss, I would recommend you always use “u” when speaking to them. 


How to use “bad” with all the personal subject pronouns above in negation is another problem that beginners might encounter. Below is how I would personally use “bad” with all the personal subject pronouns from above in negation.


1) Ik neem geen bad. - I don't take a bath.

2) Jij neemt geen bad. - You don't take a bath. (informal)

3) U neemt geen bad. - You don't take a bath. (formal)

4) Hij neemt geen bad. - He doesn't take a bath.

5) Zij neemt geen bad. - She doesn't take a bath.

6) Het neemt geen bad. - It doesn't take a bath.

7) Wij nemen geen bad. - We don't take a bath.

8) Jullie nemen geen bad. - You all don't take a bath. (informal)

9) U neemt geen bad. - You all don't take a bath. (formal)

10) Zij nemen geen bad. - They don't take a bath.


Note that “geen” is the negation particle in Dutch, which is equivalent to “not” in English. Therefore, if you have enjoyed this lesson on how to take a bath in Dutch, you can sign up for my update below.