How To Order In Dutch

Look at the headline of this lesson. How to order in Dutch. How would I write it in Dutch? Hoe te bestellen in het Nederlands. Is the phrase too long for beginners? Is it simple to remember? Some may find it challenging. It helps to break it down.

How to order rice and clothes in Dutch

  • 1) Bestel.
  • 2) Besteld.
  • 3) Bestellen.

  • 4) Ik bestel.
  • 5) Ik bestel rijst.
  • 6) Ik heb rijst besteld.
  • 7) Ik bestel producten.
  • 8) Ik bestel producten online. 
  • 9) Ik bestel altijd kleding.
  • 10) Hoe te bestellen in het Nederlands.

How to order products in English

  • 1) Order.
  • 2) Ordered.
  • 3) To order.

  • 4) I order.
  • 5) I order rice.
  • 6) I have ordered rice.

  • 7) I order products.
  • 8) I order products online.
  • 9) I always order clothes.

  • 10) How to order In Dutch.

How do you break them down into pieces? Heo. how. Oder? Bestellen. In? In. It? Het. Dutch? Nederlands. Simple to understand, right? Now, practice breaking them down, Study them carefully. Expand them and add more words.