15 Best Words for People’s Faces in Dutch

What are the best words that are related to the faces of people in Dutch? In this lesson of people’s faces, what are we going to explore? Here are 15 Dutch words for describing people’s faces like nose, eyes and lips.


1) Gezicht - face

2) Ogen - eyes

3) Neus - nose

4) Mond - mouth

5) Wangen - cheeks

6) Kin - chin

7) Wenkbrauwen - eyebrows

8) Wimpers - eyelashes

9) Rimpels - wrinkles

10) Sproeten - freckles

11) Littekens - scars

12) Puistjes - pimples

13) Baard - beard

14) Snor - mustache

15) Kaaklijn - jawline


Now that you have read the 15 best words for people’s faces like nose, eyes and ears in Dutch, what is the next thing to do with them? The next thing you can do with them is turning them into simple phrases. You can also guess adding their definite articles.